Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) give the plan members the ability to promote personal health and well-being, improve their work-life balance, maintain productivity and increase employee/employer engagement. Through a variety of services, we offer plans to help employees manage their daily lives, cope with challenging situations and in return reduce absenteeism.
Lewer Canada is proud to partner with Arete HR to provide these EAP services to our customers. Please visit our partner’s website for more information: www.Aretehr.com.
We understand small business owners are busy with the day-to-day tasks of running their businesses. Human Resources, Accounting Services and Legal Services – these are all resources that large corporations enjoy easy access to on a daily basis but are rarely as readily available to small business owners. And for small business owners, these can all be expensive and full of hassles. To help our clients, Lewer Canada has developed a program that include basic access to each of these services at no additional cost. We have also extended Legal and Financial services to all employees within our BAP program.
Lewer Canada is proud to partner with Arete HR to provide these BAP services to our customers. Please contact Lewer Canada at 1-800-387-8244 or visit our partner’s website for more information: www.Aretehr.com