4 benefits of wellness programs for all types of companies

The benefits of wellness programs are a very interesting topic to discuss, especially because we have already mentioned them many times in previous installments of this blog. However, due to the impact they have on the companies that implement them, it is important to deal with them in an article specifically dedicated to them.

To adequately address this topic, it will first be necessary to talk about wellness programs in general and then about the benefits of wellness for employees. From Lewer Canada, where we are experts on the subject, we will discuss it in detail.

Want to learn more about it? Then be sure to read this article! Without further ado, let’s get started once and for all!

What is a wellness program? Clarifying basic concepts

To talk about the benefits they bring, let’s first answer a key question on this topic: What is a wellness program? The answer is simple: a wellness or benefit program is any implementation adopted by a company that aims to take care of its employees.

To be more specific, examples of wellness programs can be life insurance, health campaigns or services (general or specific), employee assistance, among many other options.

As you can see, the premise of having these programs is to help employees and, in one way or another, improve their quality of life. And why is it important to take care of employees? Let’s talk about the benefits of wellness in the next section.

Benefits of employee wellness

As an employer, you should know that caring for your employees is something that should go beyond offering work and a good salary. In general, taking care of their well-being should be fundamental in every company. But why? Why is wellbeing important? Well, we have prepared a list to help you find out.

In this list we also present the benefits of wellness programs for companies. Check them out below:

1. Better performance

Better performance

Labor productivity is an issue that many companies and employers are concerned about all the time. How to boost productivity and get better performance from workers?

The truth is that there are many ways to do it, but we can mention one that could be key to achieve it: implementing an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This is one of the most popular corporate wellness programs and consists of providing psychological care, both preventive and to treat problems.

Remember that we can all have problems of various kinds and helping to cope with them can help us to be better at work (understanding that it is not always easy to separate work and personal life 100%). Certainly, productivity can be improved with a program like this.

Said in a very general way, this program provides help in cases of personal problems of different types: family, addictions, depression, anxiety, among others. Don’t forget that mental health is as important as physical health.

Considering the above, if we wanted to talk about physical health, we could take into account other options already mentioned as an example before: life insurance, dental care or health services in general. The options are diverse.

2. Increased motivation

Continuing with any of the previous examples, we can mention another of the many benefits of wellness for employees, and that is motivation. Having a sense of real concern can foster greater motivation and incentive on the part of workers with the company.

This would complement the previous point, and could increase the productivity of workers to feel motivated. Do you see why it is important to have this type of program?

3. Increased commitment

In addition to motivation, commitment to the company and to the employer can also be consolidated if the right wellness programs are provided in the company. Having this definitely improves the work environment to a great extent.

All this can even help you build a good reputation, not only of the company, but as an employer. You can gain a lot of recognition because of it, think about it.

4. Sense of belonging

Sense of belonging

Last but not least, we must take into account something that goes unnoticed in many companies: the sense of belonging. There is a lot of talk, in various workplaces, about “being a family” or “more than just a workplace”, however, this is not always demonstrated in the actions of the workplace.

So, it’s also something to keep in mind. We could go on and on about the benefits of wellness programs, but, for the moment, it will be convenient to leave it at this point.

Do you want to know more about it? We invite you to read this article from our blog. In it we present you some reasons to hire these and other benefit programs in your company. Also, in the blog you can find more tips and valuable information like this one.

Do you want to ensure the success of your company? opt for benefit programs with Lewer Canada!

If you have read this far, you are probably clearer about the benefits of wellness programs and their importance in any good company. We hope we have helped to clarify all your possible doubts.

Are you an employer and want to improve the work environment? Have you decided to opt for wellness programs at work? We invite you to take a look at our proposals and opt for employee benefit programs in Quebec with Lewer! More information on the attached link.

Remember that we are experts in the field and have more than 40 years of experience in the field! Do you have any questions or would you like to hire one of these employee benefit programs in your company? Contact us, you can find the option on the top bar of this site.

For a more personalized attention, you can also find us at 3131 boul. Saint-Martin Ouest, bureau 410 Laval, Quebec.