How does dental insurance work?

dental treatment

Why is going to the dentist so expensive? The high cost of dental services is a widespread perception among many people. Many neglect their oral health arguing that the prices of these treatments are inaccessible to their pocket. 

What many do not know is that dental insurance can become a real lifesaver, not only in health matters, but also in financial matters.

What is dental insurance?

Dental insurance is a program that allows the costs related to oral health to be paid to a large extent. Generally, this service consists of an agreement between the insurer and the insured, in which a payment amount is established for both parties. 

What do we mean by this? Very simply, the insurance company will be responsible for the payment of a certain percentage of the dental procedures of the insured and his family, while the excess, also known as deductible, will be paid by the insurer. 

Types of dental insurance

woman at dentist

Access to oral health care is one of the most expensive today. To help offset the impact on the pocketbook, dental insurance generally offers four types of plans: deductible, coinsurance, premium and annual maximum. 

What dental services are covered by insurance?

With respect to the levels of coverage, the reality is that it will generally depend on the value of the insurance and the agreement established between the beneficiary and the benefactor. Many times the medical and dental insurance is one and the same and is provided or managed by the company for which the employee works. 

Generally, dental insurance partially (or fully) covers procedures related to:  

  • Preventive dentistry 
  • Diagnostic tests 
  • Extractions and surgeries 
  • Orthodontics

What does Lewer’s dental insurance service consist of?

Lewer’s dental insurance is intended for the prevention, treatment and follow-up of various conditions related to the dental and oral health of policyholders and their families. Basic insurance includes both routine and more specialized procedures. 

In short, this service can include primary, preventive and diagnostic care. However, many also incorporate all diagnostic processes and specific treatments for gums or fillings. 

There is even the possibility of agreeing on other procedures and adhering to, for example, orthodontic or extraction insurance, in addition to restorative procedures and dental prostheses. 

However, most of these services have limited access per month or per year. This is referred to as an “annual fee”.  

The annual amount

Each dental insurance has different maximum values. You should make sure that your total claims do not exceed these maximum amounts. Your dental plan will clearly indicate how much you must pay and how to make adjustments to your plan.

The annual dental insurance amount is the maximum amount your plan pays when a specific family member reaches his or her insurance limit. 

Some plans have lower limits per person, while others have higher family limits. This means that if a family of four reaches the annual limit, there will be a lower amount of benefits left for the remaining three members.

How to get dental insurance?

girl being treated by dentist

Dental insurance can be obtained in basically two different ways: by taking the insurance offered by your employer or by purchasing it on your own. Regardless of this, always pay attention to the benefits of each one, in order to ensure that the service covers those procedures that are of interest to you. 

However, the most important thing when choosing an insurance program is to ensure that the program meets your needs and, above all, that it is a serious company with all the necessary permits. 

Do not leave your money and health in companies of dubious origin. Instead, come to Lewer and ask for more information about this and other services. 

We have Employee Assistance Programs, Health and Wellness Programs and of course, Health Accounts. If you are looking for dental insurance or any of our care programs, please call 1-800-387-8244 or email [email protected].

We are Lewer, the best in providing employee benefit solutions.